Friday, August 29, 2008

Lesson 10!

This is a great photo of Simon with another rider up.

Wow! It seems hard to believe I just had my 10th lesson! It was another great ride on Simon. It started a little funny though. I left his girth plenty loose to mount up, and for the first time in at least a month, he wasn't "girthy" when I got on. We went in the ring and he seemed happy - and we walked and trotted, and then suddenly, I he bucked/kicked hard! I screamed a blood-curdling scream at the top of my lungs and everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the crazy re-rider who was still sitting on top of her horse to see what had happened. How embarassing! I couldn't control my own scream - it came out of nowhere, and I was totally fine. So Kim came over to check out my girth, and it was way loose, so she tightened it 3 holes! And Simon was fine after that (thank goodness)!

We had a great round over fences, a few close spots here and there, but overall, very nice. Kim said I have a great eye... I like to hear that. I'm not perfect, but it sure is nice to hear. (But if I have a great eye, it makes me wonder what other people ride like... :) hehe) We did a full course - 5 lines, 7 fences. And then next week they will have the course set up for the show - next weekend!!! Yikes! I am so excited!

Simon's show name is "Aim to Please" - seems perfect to me. I can't wait for the show! :)

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