Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lesson 9 - Riding between the raindrops

We had our 9th lesson yesterday! I wasn't sure if we would or not due to the weather - it had rained hard between my house and the barn, and I couldn't say for sure which way the rain would go. But I chanced it, and tacked up Simon. I have to say his greeting nicker was more gleeful than it has been before when he first heard my voice. I think we both look forward to working together. And the rain stopped, just in time for my lesson, and it stayed dry until my lesson was over!

After working out our "girthy" issues, we had a really wonderful ride. We did a course of 4 fences (two single lines, and then a line with two fences) several times. I remembered last week and asked Simon to move forward towards the jump and let him take me the perfect spot, and we had such a much better ride than last week! And the other trainer in the ring started raising the fences for her student, and we ended up jumping a fence that was 2'9"! I was a little nervous and moved him up to it and he ended up taking a huge, long jump over the fence! It was insane! Kim called me on it and we did it again, she reminded me that he's done the 3' courses, and he could get me out of a close spot, and to keep the cadence instead of speeding up to the fence. We re-did that one fence and it was perfect - and I was gleeful! It feels so good to be jumping - and all the riding I'm doing at home is really helping me be a better rider overall.

Kim commented that Simon's mom was fine with me showing him on Sept. 6 - and it looks like we will do the Adult Equitation and Open Hunter Divisions at 2'6". Wow! I am so excited and looking forward to my first show!

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