Friday, March 12, 2010

Busy Day!

Sammie rode Arthur on a pony ride through the field this morning and had a wonderful time!

Arthur 006
At the beginning of the ride.

Arthur 010
Grinning after trotting up to the top of the back of the tank. :)

Arthur 016
Sammie closing her eyes and feeling the ride! :)

Crystal has graduated to the big field during the day - and gained 40 lbs over the last 10 days! Yay!

Arthur 025

But poor Arthur is having to stay in during the days now to keep him off too much grass during the day.

Arthur 026
Poor thing is pretty disappointed about it, but a necessary evil to prevent laminitis. We'll watch him closely and if keeping him up during the day isn't enough, we'll keep him in his paddock at night as well.

A beautiful day wouldn't be complete without a ride for me, too! I rode Rocky this afternoon - we had a very nice ride with walking, trotting, circles, and learning to "back" while mounted. I suddenly realized I had never really taught him that, at least not more than once, and recently listened to a podcast about being able to go backwards to help the horse be lighter in the front end. We practiced several times and he got it quickly - I continue to enjoy Rocky and his personality and the way we get along. It's such a special relationship we have - since I have been there since the moment he was born. And I'm the only one that has ridden him - well, Harlan did once. :) We ended the session with a few turns on the forehand and then a good grooming with lots of carrots. :) What a wonderful day!

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