Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beautiful day with Rocky!

The weather has been gorgeous this week - I'd say we Texans look forward to this kind of weather all year! :)

Crystal has been doing great out in the field during the day, and Arthur has been pouting in the dry lot while she is out.

Three days in a row now, I have been able to ride Rocky! He is so much fun! We walk and trot both directions, doing circles & figure 8's & serpentines. We've also been learning how to back under saddle, and do a turn on the forehand & turn on the haunches. I'm quite amazed with Rocky and how quickly he learns everything. I've been able to give much quieter aids for backing - I try to do it in stages. First I give the voice command "Back" and then lean back, and then I squeeze gently on the reins, and again, and then a much stronger squeeze on the reins and with my legs. I was going through the entire gambit 2 days ago, but today, I only got to squeezing gently with the reins and Rocky backed up for me. I've got to make sure I don't practice it too much - he was not sure what I wanted when we did some turns on the forehand and started to back a little there. We'll muddle through and get the aids clearer and figure out exactly what means what.

I trimmed Rocky before I rode, and combine that with the most posting trot I've done in about a year and my body is exhausted. I'm looking forward to a quiet evening and sound sleep tonight!

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