Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lessons 17 & 18

The last two weeks have been very similar lessons. Simon has learned my signals far too well and is starting to take advantage of me! :) When we are on course, if I take my leg off his sides in the least while headed to a fence (which I sometimes do when I don't see a good "spot"), he slows down like molasses and adds a stride every time. So I have to keep my leg on him, whether or not I am confident of where to take off. He acts similarly on the flat, not working an ounce harder than I ask him to. As soon as I relax and take my leg off, he just slows down and walks and relaxes, too. I think it is a good thing in that we are learning how to understand each other quite specifically, but man, my legs are tired by the end of a lesson! It's good for me, though! And I'm glad to not be bored - as our relationship is changing (i.e., he understands my body language far too well) he is getting more complicated to ride! So here's to perfecting our rides. :) A lifetime ahead of us, I'm sure!

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