Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lesson 16

My goodness! I have not been riding as much as I'd like, but the horses are loving the new barn and have all come to make it their "home" and are completely relaxed when inside.

Last week's lesson was another good one. Simon seems to be getting more lethargic each week - it is taking more leg to keep him going! But we some really nice fences this time, and did several equitation courses making sharper turns and jumping only one fence in a line of two. I like the change and enjoy the challenge!

I need to make it a priority to get back on my own horses now!

My farrier was out yesterday and he said Kiley, my foster horse who has had trust issues, was the most well behaved of the bunch! Amazing! He said she was totally relaxed and the easiest to do this time around. Makes me proud! We did take her to the Expo a few weeks ago, and each time we take her out for the rescue, she shows how much she trusts me. And each time she returns to our farm, she puts more trust in me. Gosh, it will be heartbreaking the day that she gets adopted. I do want her to find her forever home -that is why I do this! But knowing how much trust she has put in me will leave me with pangs of guilt when I help load her up on someone else's trailer. But it will also fill me with happiness to know I have helped another horse find their forever home!

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