My 5yo daughter named her "Golden Butterfly" and we do hope she will make a transformation over the next few months. She is missing part of an ear and has a scars all around her poll and on her face. I hate to think about what she has been through, but even more so I am amazed that she still seems willing to allow me around her.
Yesterday when we picked her up from a temporary foster home, she was a bit irritated at first that she had not been served her dinner and took a few moments to catch. But once caught, she led well and walked willingly into the trailer where I had a full haynet waiting for her. She seems well traveled - or was at one time well trained. I don't know what happened to her, but I hope she will come around and learn she is safe again.
The cutest thing was my daughter sitting on the fence talking to her telling her she was safe now and that no one would hurt her again. She also introduced her to all the other horses and told them to be nice to Golden Butterfly.
Tonight I wanted to halter her and let her graze on some grass. I went into her paddock with the halter over my shoulder, and at first she did not want me to get close to her. I would approach and retreat when she would step away, and we played that game for a while, but we didn't seem to be making much progress - I still was not interesting enough for her. I recalled how we had caught her yesterday, and asked her to move out (trot) or work if she would not let me catch her - and it only took twice around before she decided it was easier to stand still and be caught than work.
She gave in, I easily put the halter on her, led her around, and then took the halter right back off to make sure the experience was a good one.
More soon.
Very pretty mare! And she's the color of my Dazzle, so of course, I'll be falling in love with her, too! Congrats, Golden Butterfly, for landing in such a wonderful foster home!
Norm H
She is a pretty mare. Is her mane roached? So sad that she has been through whatever it was besides starving.
Oops, my name is not Cin or Sin.... Tried to get Cindy in there but it was too late.
Thanks, Norma & Cindy! Yes, her mane does appear to be roached a month or so ago, and someone lopped off her tail hairs at a funny angle as well. She is definitely beginning to relax, thank goodness. Got wormed today - so hopefully that will help her pack on a few pounds. She certainly is good at processing her hay! (It all comes out the other end! :) )
She's a beauty!! I know you will be able to bring her around.. Give her lots of hugs and loves from Brock!! I cant wait to hear about her first ride! She will know the true meaning of love and care. Congrats Golden Butterfly! You will never go hungry again or be hurt again!
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