I love the way she always turns to look at me. :)
I got up early this morning before taking the kids to school to feed, and she had eaten every scrap of the half bale of hay I had put out for her last night. She was so happy to see me - met me at the fenceline, and met me at her stall door inside the barn, too. It is so amazing the changes I can see in her already. I know that yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind for her, coming to a new place, meeting new horses, and wondering what kind of a human I would turn out to be. She was anxious yesterday - well behaved, but not quite sure of me. Well, until I started feeding her handfuls of grain. Then she decided I was okay. :)
She is about 16hh and weighs only 920 lbs - Sweetie is the same height and weighs at least 1200 lbs.. Can you imagine needing to gain 300 lbs? :) Geez! I am hoping she has put on 50 lbs in the last 24 hours - well, at least that is how much she has eaten in hay! Good golly! :) That girl knows how to chow down! But after cleaning out her stall/run, it was clear that things went all the way through... :)
I was hurried this morning so did not get to spend much time with her, and looked forward to it all day. When I got home and went out to the barn I walked up to the fenceline, bent my arms across the top board and sat my chin on my hands - but not for long. She came right up to me for scratches and rubs on her head/neck/withers. You could see in her eyes that she was starting already to trust me. How nice to have a human that visited regularly - and brought hay and grain to her!
After barn chores and getting the other horses in the barn, I opened her door and easily put a halter on her - and cross tied her in the barn to groom her. She stood very well for me. Wiggled a little here and there, but basically just soaked up all the grooming. I took the pictures as soon as I could - but the sun was already setting. Her ribs & spine don't show nearly as much in the photos as they do in real life, but don't worry, that won't last. She already looks better than yesterday!
I even picked out her front feet! I will wait another day for the rear. I forgot to look at the tattoo - was in too much of a hurry to get photos in daylight so I could post them, and then it was dinner time for the humans. :)
Samantha has asked on more than one occasion if the new horse could be "hers" until we find her a home. I tell her she can certainly help me care for her, and remind her that she belongs to the rescue, and will someday find a home with a family that loves her. She seems okay with that. We have not yet named her, although we are tossing around "Diamond" and "Crystal." "Snow White" was mentioned, and although I think it fits her personality along with the white body/black mane/tail, Sammie and others have said it's not quite right. We will see. More soon!
1 comment:
She is very sweet, and I think will be very pretty once she puts on that weight.
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