Thursday, May 21, 2009

Darn Horses! :)

I went out this morning to feed as usual, and saw most of the horses out in the field - and I knew once they heard me rummaging around, they'd be up at the barn in no time. I put all the feed out, opened the barn doors, to see 4 out of 6 horses moseying up to the barn, taking their time. But I couldn't see Arwen or Sweetie (my 22yo TB mare, my first horse). After I got the first 4 up and hollered some more, Arwen, lazily made her way up - but she had been way down in the field. But where was Sweetie? I called some more - nothing - and then I heard my son who had just woke up and had to run in to tend to him for a moment. Came back out - and Sweetie still wasn't anywhere to be seen. What's worse is that the horses were eerily silent. The lead mare isn't around and no one is fussing or worried? Not even her son? That's not normal around here.

I'm worried now, and hastily grabbed a halter and lead - worse case scenarios going through my head. After a 3-4 minute (brisk) walk, I walk up to the top of the tank to get a better look at the back pasture where Arwen had came from. And then I see some movement through the trees - and for a moment I wonder if Sweetie somehow got out in the neighbor's cow field. She must've heard the halter jingling. Filled with relief, I see her take off towards the barn, galloping, like "where'd everybody go?"

Man! First time that has happened - and thank goodness it was nothing serious. I thought colic, injury, wild dogs, I've heard stories about horses staying back with another injured horse - like I thought Arwen had done. Anyways, I'm so relieved and happy to begin my day again knowing all the horses are well & happy! Darn Horses! They can throw your heart for a loop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That heart in your throat feeling when you think something's wrong is the worst! I'm glad everything was OK - the fact the other horses weren't concerned was a sign nothing was seriously wrong.