Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Geepers Creepers! What's a girl to do?

I got to my lesson early and found Simon in his stall - but looking thinner and then noticed a shaved spot on his neck where an IV had been... it turns out he colicked again a few days after last week's lesson, and they took him in to find a small impaction - and Simon was also apparently pretty dehydrated, and got a lot of fluids. He's been home for 3-4 days, but I couldn't possibly ride a horse just coming off of a hospital stay. No surgery or anything, but still...

So today I got to ride "Archie" - a 16h bay warmblood. His nose reminded me of Aurora a little... it took a lot to get him moving forward, but we finally had an understanding and he moved well at the trot and canter for me. But when it comes to jumping, he is even worse than Simon if you don't squeeze every stride. Simon will slow down just a little if you take your leg off - Archie will down right come to a stop in one stride if you don't keep after him. :) So I kept after him, and we did a small course of about 5 fences and although we added in one of the lines, it was otherwise pretty nice. We tried that one line 4 or 5 times and no matter how I tried, I could not get him to lengthen to get the correct striding. So we quit on a nice final fence.

As soon as I dismounted, Archie started pawing. I thought to myself - naw, couldn't be a colic - he probably just wants a treat. But as I was brushing him, I offered him a carrot, and he lethargically put his lips on it but was not really interested in eating it... Kim gave him another treat which he took hesitatingly... and he pawed again - but didn't want a treat.

I said, "Kim, I hate to say this, but I think I'm experiencing the same thing we went through with Simon last week - he's just not right and doesn't want any treats." So we took him for a walk outside to some green grass, and low and behold he is pawing again, and not interested in the grass. And I am beyond belief - as a friend of mine said recently, "Whiskey Tango Fox?!!!"

Archie also got a shot of banamine and it seemed to settle him for the time being. I'm praying that he's okay. But GEEZ. What luck! I know we didn't do anything unusual in the lesson, and I can't imagine anything else I did that would have caused it. I even brought carrots this time instead of the apple treats I normally do... anyways. I feel so Jinxed!

So, I think this is my clear sign from above - it is time for me to take Rocky over for my lessons. Then if MY horse colics, well, although I will think I am jinxed forever, at least I won't feel so guilty about someone else's horse colicing after I rode them!

I was waiting at least another week to get Rocky in a bit better shape before going over there with him - but I don't know if I can delay it any longer!!! :) My butt has officially been kicked in gear in that regard. :)

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