Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The non-lesson I had 2 years ago...

Okay, okay, so actually, it wasn't my first lesson in 10 years, but close enough. I had asked Kim (my instructor) to come out to my place about 2 years ago to watch/help me ride Rocky. I can't really call it a lesson, as it was more about Kim watching me attempt to ride Rocky - as I was completely out of shape, only a few months after delivering my daughter, and I could hardly keep him at the trot for more than a few minutes before I thought I would die from exhaustion.

She did give me some suggestions about working through the canter, getting him to do it on the lunge line so that if he did buck at the transition, I wasn't on him. And to work through the issue on the lunge line before attempting to do it on his back.

Overall, it was an embarassing experience. I was SO out of shape, absolutely exhausted after about a 20 minute ride, and I was just thankful for how kind Kim was for letting me pay her to watch me struggle in the saddle. I decided then there was no way I would take another lesson until I was really ready - no matter how badly I just wanted to be riding again.

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