Thursday, July 15, 2010

Finding a bridle that fits...

Love's new schedule is now to be groomed and worked with for 15-20 minutes before turning her out after meals - that's twice a day! Yesterday, when I put a bit in her mouth, I used a cob size bridle with a 5 1/4" snaffle that was obviously too long. The bridle didn't quite fit, either - it was about an inch or two too long. I searched through my tack "collection" that I have been gathering over the last 25+ years. I found a nice rubber snaffle - about 5" long, and I dismantled Arthur's pony size bridle and put the bit on there to give it a try. I let the cheek pieces all the way down, and it should have been almost the right size - it was - but just a little too snug. So now I will put the bit back on the cob bridle, and punch a hole or two. :)

This morning, I used a nice soft rope halter on Love, without any "hardware" that would jingle under her chin. I chose to ground tie her in the aisle instead of cross tie so that I could see her reaction to the saddle a little more closely. She backed a step or two when I put the girth on her, but was more relaxed than yesterday. She is still very curious and sniffs the tack before I put it on her. We continued with the groundwork exercises we did last night. Leading, stopping, backing. I am pleased to say that she is a tiny bit better about stopping when I stop - there were a couple of times that I was actually really impressed by. I am trying to teach her to back with me when I march backwards (stomping my feet a bit as a cue) - and although she was a little easier to move backwards (still with gentle pressure on the lead and her chest), she hasn't quite figured it out yet.

I'm still thinking about what kind of tricks I can teach her to show off her talents. I taught Sweetie to take a bow using carrots a long time ago - maybe that is a good place to start. Something cute & funny to win the judge's hearts. :)

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