Friday, June 12, 2009

Priceless help

We've just returned from a week's vacation, and I have to say that there is nothing more comforting than knowing you have the best animal care in the world while you are gone. I am so thankful for the retired farmer down the road who gladly comes down and cares for the 6 horses, 3 dogs, and barn cat. He has had all sorts of animals throughout his lifetime, and does a great job with all of the animals. I think he even enjoys it - it is a break from daily chores for him. This time was the first vacation we have taken since we built the barn, and I wondered how things would go with all the horses going in and out twice a day to be fed. But good ol' Clyde had no trouble at all. I guess it helps that all 6 horses know where their stalls are, but it is just so nice to know how well they are taken care of. I came home to a freshly sweeped aisleway, full water troughs, and happy animals that didn't seem to notice that we had been gone. Well, okay, the dogs were very happy to see us, but they were all in excellent health, and the novelty of our return wore off quickly. :)

Actually, Clyde has been caring for our animals on all of our vacations for the last 8 years, and he always does a wonderful job. I feel so blessed to have found him shortly after we moved here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are indeed fortunate to have such a reliable and competent helper when you are gone!