Saturday, March 21, 2009

Texas Spring

The weather has just been gorgeous this week - 80 during the day and 60 at night... and although I am still sore, I couldn't resist trying to ride today. So I groomed Sweetie (which she enjoyed very much! Still getting rid of the winter coat!) tacked her up, and very gingerly mounted up. I probably felt like a giant brick up there to her at first I was so stiff - but as we walked around the ring, I started to relax my back and loosen up a bit. It was only a few times around the ring at the walk, and Sweetie came to a halt in the middle of the ring (like she used to all the time at horse shows) and I very slowly slid off - trying not to jar myself when I landed. I survived, and those few minutes in the saddle sure healed my spirit! :)

But I will say that I was very aware of taking my life into my own hands by riding today - and had haunting memories of being thrown a few weeks ago. I'm sure I'll work through it, but it is hard to be getting older and feel your mortality. A few rescue members have been discussing body armour that the eventers use, and that's sounding pretty smart right now. I don't know - maybe the proper term is padding, but whatever, the bronco riders use it, and if it protects your body that much, maybe it's worth it for piece of mind. Or maybe just staying off green, unpredictable horses would do it. :)

After I rode Sweetie, I brought Arwen out for a good grooming. She absolutely loved being brushed - especially right behind her ears. And I trimmed her mane to make her even more beautiful, and she was perfectly behaved. I could brush her anywhere, and she stood quietly or even leaned into my grooming because it felt good to her. When a horse who has been neglected is so willing to trust again so quickly, it is hard not to feel your heart melt, knowing how thankful they are.

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