It has been 2 weeks since we rode so I was sure to longe her first and I was very glad I did. She had some extra energy and bucked and then went off galloping in a circle the way she used to whenever I had her in a roundpen. Now, when she bucked, I did get after her to go faster one time, but in the past, just putting her in a roundpen would make her start galloping at mach 9. However, today, after the initial ask to move out faster, she continued galloping like mad like she used to. Once she calmed down and came to the trot, we trotted both directions until she was trotting with a more relaxed neck and posture. She did have some fancy prancing steps at first. It is fun to see how elegant she can be when she is full of it, but my goals are not that right now. The bottom to the training triangle, so to speak, is relaxation. So here we continue on our quest to just be calm and take things in stride.
My goal for the coming year is to make it to one of the local schooling shows and go over a course of 2' fences. That's not too hard. Last year we jumped 2'6" easily. Well, when she was feeling calm. The whole idea of traveling was a bit much for her the first few times we went back to the barn after I brought her home, but I wonder if that was more of an emotional thing on her part. Anyways, we still go over there to get her shoes on and she is relaxed and super good for that, so adding the ride to it should be ... well, not that it will be easy. She is my project mare and I'm just going for relaxation at this point.
Today we walked a lot and did some nice bending serpentines at the walk. We also trotted about halfway around the ring both ways a couple times, coming back down to the walk before she got worried/energetic.
With the holiday break I hope to ride more. I have finally ordered a trial of a nice saddle from SmartPak for my birthday present! So glad I have such a supportive husband! :) Mwah! It has an adjustable tree, adjustable knee and thigh braces, and I really think it will be good for Ellie. I know my saddle doesn't fit her right. The whole back half of the saddle lifts off her back right now, unless I'm sitting in it, and with a mare as sensitive as she is, I've got to cross all my t's.
So here's to more riding and blogging!